Sunday, December 23, 2007


Not that long since I wrote the first blog.

But really, blogging is an addiction. Especially, repeated again - especially when u really-really dun have anything to do or just simply dun feel like doin nuthing. Hehe... maybe I'm the latter. It's a short period, but long journey. *sigh*

We intended to go (we = me, atin n awie) to One Utama, as Atin wanna buy new baju (or shud I say bajus since it's in plural form?). So we went off, and unluckily we missed one junction and that's it, we landed straight into Kepong if I'm not mistaken. Tau jelah jalan KL, one way, fully ruled by traffic lights and mind u it was already dark! Uwwwwaaaaa!!!! Finally we managed to find a roundabout, and went back to the direction we're from.

Part 2 of the misery was, there's too many exits to Damansara, but none indicated 'KOTA DAMANSARA'. Shit, I swear that I swore so many times under my breath (I dun wanna my bro to pickup my 'great' manipulation of language from me as he's only 14). So we ended in Sg. Buloh. Dun ask me where, but thank goodness one of Atin's friend managed to help us out to get back to D'shire. Finally! Akhirnya sampai la jugak ke one utama. Pity awie muka mcm kesian sgt sbb tgk aku jem kot..huhuhu...

Part 3 of the misery, Atin's shoes cut into my foot. Aiyooo...sakit maaa...jalan suda jauh. Huhuhu.
But as all fairy tales or most of the stories always end, we shopped happily ever after. Hahaha...

Ps-Atin u're so lucky u got all the lovely bajus as we went thru so much misery to get there...huhu...

So, may Atin be happy and blessed with all her new items in her wardrobe. THE END.

1 comment:

Adela said...

tapi da gemok laa xbley pkai bju tu lagik.. isk3..