Friday, August 26, 2011

Down to MemoryLane 1: Eid Mubarak, then.

Selamat Hari Raya ~ ~ lalalalalalalaaa....
(sila nyanyi dengan kadar paling kiut plus annoying yang anda mampu)

It's holiday again peeps!
Aha, with hari raya just around the corner...aku dah rasa bahang-bahang kehangatan raya tu (even cuaca asyik nak mendung je, ahaks!)
Being an adult during this raya is not as festive as it used to be when I was a child then. Aku ingat lagi, masa kecik2 dulu memang tak sabar-sabar bila nak raya. Bulan puasa tu, sebulan macam setahun sebab tetiap hari countdown "Bila nak Raya ni??". Dari waktu sahur menuju ke buka puasa...rasa mcm lama gile. Puas aku pujuk diri sambil tengok katun Power Rangers la...Smurfs la...Tomatoman laa (sape yg skolah rendah era 90-an sure tau cerita2 ni). Itu tak masuk lagi bab try baju baru. Ntah berapa kali daa rehearsal baju and kasut baru. Lawak betul bila ingat semula sbb try je kot? Bukan boleh dpt duit raya repeatedly pun, ahahaha.

Then there's the aidilfitri's eve...semua cousins and pakcik and makcik berkumpul kat rumah wan. Kalau balik kampung belah abah agak scary sbb toilet kat luar (seriusly cuak doh) and tido dalam kelambu. Ade ke lagi orang pakai kelambu skang ekk??? Aku rasa last aku nampak kat lemari rumah mak, coz itu salah satu item yg kena ade masa aku masuk STJ dulu. Hahaha (walhal tak penah guna pun sbb aku rasa health threat from the water cooler machine is bigger than the miniscule-sucking-insects). Then since my arwah wan used to bela rabbits, we usually have rendang rabbits for the Aidilfitri. Good heavens, selalu aku tak makan sbb tak sampai hati mengenangkan rabbit yg comel and fluffy and shiny eyes...bling bling :x

I still remember main mercun, bukan yg kecik2 punye mercun but the big ones like the Chinese New Year stack of fireworks. Selalunya dipelopori oleh my uncle yg polis tu la, "barang rampasan" katanya. Cool. hahahah...And lots of new people coming in claiming that they're relatives. Seriusly most of the times I really wonder why the hell every year I have new relatives (the fact is I yg tak ingat muka mereka :p). Yelah jumpa setahun sekali so don't blame my short term memory capacity then. Haha, I guess I'm quite good at justifying my flaws. And the most vivid one is receiving DUIT RAYA. Yeay!

But eversince both of my wans passed away, and we grew up...lots of things changed. No more tido at wan's house during the Eid's eve, no more the famous 'rendang arnab' (eventhough I didn't eat it but I missed its creepiness), no more duit raya (now I'm the one giving), no more the dress rehearsal more of lots of things. To be honest, Ramadhan passed by just in a blink of eyes. Now, while typing this entry down I pun rasa macam tak percaya yang next week Tuesday is already Aidilfitri. Terlalu cepat. Sampai tak sedar masa berlalu...

Eventhough the celebration is there, but the feeling is not the same anymore. Not as exciting as it used to be 20 years back. Salam Eid Mubarak to all, from a 28 years old me.

-ini gambar copy paste semata-mata.bukan watak sebenar-

The lesson of this entry is, or should it be 'are'? We should cherish childhood. Coz that's the time when living is easier, things round us is more exciting, less problem to be dealt with, creativity and imagination drive our days, the list goes on and on and on. I missed being a child. I missed celebrating Eid Mubarak as a child. I missed my arwah wan. I missed the kampung houses.

I missed the easier things when I was a child. I missed being a child.